هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ... كونك احد أعضاء هذا المنتدى فأنت مؤتمن ولك حقوق وعليك واجبات .. ليس العبرة بعدد المشاركات .. وانما ماذا كتبت وماذا قدمت لإخوانك الأعضاء والزوار ... كن مميزا في أطروحاتك .. صادقا في معلوماتك .. محباً للخير ... مراقباً للمنتدى في غياب المراقب ... مشرفاً للمنتدى في غياب المشرف ... هذا المنتدى منكم واليكم .. بمساهماتكم وآرائكم نرتقى  ...

أحترامك للـقـوانـيـن دليل على وعيــك ورقــي تفكيـــرك ... احرص على ان تكون انت من يُـلزم الاعضاء بفهم القوانين .... المنتدى لكم ويعمل من اجلكم فحافظوا على بقاءه .... مع تحياتنا للجميع ونتمنى لكم الاستمتاع بمحتوى منتداكم  ....  منتدى بـــرقــه ....
اخوانى اخواتى اعضاء منتدى برقه الاعزاء تحيه طيبه وبعد .. يسـعد بإستضافتكـم كـل قسمـ في منتدانـا ، وكـل موضـوع في أقسامـنـا ... لايخفى عليكم أهمية دور المشرفين في الإهتمام بالمنتدى و أقسامه والرقي به في عالم الإنترنت .... من هنا كان لِزاماً علينا أن نفتح باب ترشيح مشرفين لقيادة الأقسام وقيادة المنتدى بصورة أفضل .... وكما تعلمون ان الإشراف تشريف وتكليف في وقت واحد .. فأذا كنت تود الانخراط فى العمل الاداري بالمنتدى بالإشراف على قــسم معين ... ادخل على الموضوع التالى لمزيد من التفاصيل .. تــحــياتــنا لـلــجــمــيــع ... اظــغـط هـنا لمعرفة طريقه الترشيح :
يا ضيفنا الكريم .. سلام الله عليك .. نعلم جميعاً ان المنتدى مكان لتبادل المنفعة ولكي نفيد ونستفيد .. من فضلك ساهم بقدر المستطاع واجعل دورك فعال بالمنتدى على الأقل قم بـشـكـر الشخص الذي استفدت من موضوعه .. فنحن نعمل جميعاً على نشر الفائدة فشارك في هذا العمل ولا تكتفي بالمشاهدة فقط  ..


 The Essentials of Leadership and Management course in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المجد للتدريب

نشاط العضو :
The Essentials of Leadership and Management course in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100The Essentials of Leadership and Management course in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey Right_bar_bleue

تاريخ التسجيل : 17/09/2015
عــدد المـشاركات : 4734
الـــعــــمــــر : 36
الـجــنـــــس : ذكر
الـــدولـــــة : The Essentials of Leadership and Management course in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey 0_1410
مكان الإقــامه : الاردن
نقاط : 13399
الـتـقـيـيم : 0

The Essentials of Leadership and Management course in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The Essentials of Leadership and Management course in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey   The Essentials of Leadership and Management course in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey I_icon_minitimeالإثنين مايو 17, 2021 7:02 am

Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course:

Which will be held  evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam,  Stockholm and Dubai 

 To contact us
website: www.almjd-hr.com
Emile: info@almjd-hr.com
Mobile 00962795447255 

Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages

The following  Management and Leadership Courses:
• Business Strategy Essentials
Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis
Managing and Leading in a Multi – Cultural Workplace
Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making
Smart Leadership – Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation
The Leadership Development Programme
Leadership, Influence and Trust
Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies
Innovative Leadership Competencies
Managerial Leadership
Quality Assurance and Quality Control – Using ISO9001 as a framework
The Essentials of Leadership
Effective Organisational Leadership
Communication, Coordination and Leadership
Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance
Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation
Mastering Finance for Non – Financial Oil and Gas Personnel
Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Managerial Success
Customer Service Management
Leadership and Decision – Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations
Accomplished Office Administrator
Effective Self Management
Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines
The Complete Course on Management
Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry
The Voice of Leadership
Enterprise Content Management Masterclass
Management Excellence Masterclass
The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude
Effective Personal Productivity
Advanced Communication Skills
Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement
IT Service Management
The Management Essentials
Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills
The Complete Course on Leadership
Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership
Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle
Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality
Mastering Supervisory Skills
The Art of Strategic Management
Communication Essentials
High Impact Business Communication
Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating
Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles
Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills
Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership
Effective People Skills
Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills
Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills
Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor
Management Reporting and Decision Making
Mastering Strategic Decision Making
The Art of Leadership
Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management
Interpersonal Communication Skills
The Essentials of Leadership and Management
Leadership Best Practices
Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance
Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation
The Complete Course on Management and Leadership
Leading Under Pressure
Management Skills and Techniques
Leadership and Strategic Impact
The Professional Negotiator
Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel
Effective Time Task and Work Planning
Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking
The Effective Supervisor
Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry
Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills
Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace
Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 – Development, Implementation and Effective Operation
Advanced Management – Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success
Marine Pollution and Management
The Three – Dimensions of Leadership
Strategic Crisis Management
Knowledge Management
Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making
Business Analysis within a Project Environment
Masterclass – International Oil and Gas Leadership
Strategic Planning Professional
Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress
Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills
Strategy Design Bootcamp
Effective Office Management
Quality Management Essentials
Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors
Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies – Developing and Implementing Best Practices
Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation
Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills
Mastering Emotional Intelligence – Skills for Excellent Leadership
Building Task Leadership Skills
Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century
Advanced Communication and Problem Solving
Achieving Professional Excellence
Leading with Excellence
Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation
The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership
Mastering Management and Leadership Skills
Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence
Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems
Advanced High Performance Leadership
Strategic Enterprise Analysis
Strategy Excellence
Project Leadership – Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution
Mastering Team Leadership Skills
The Practical Leader – Developing and Leading High Performing Teams
Digital transferring in leadership

website :www.almjd-hr.com

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
The Essentials of Leadership and Management course in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Quality Management Essentials course in London , Dubai
» Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors
» Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor
» Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry
» The Highly Productive and Effective Administrator course in Georgia, Azerbaijan

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
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